Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Seldom Discussed Product Launch Formula Secrets

Seldom Discussed Product Launch Secrets
Copyright 2008 by Willie Crawford

I recently partnered with a programmer friend (David
Schwartz) to launch a new PDF brander that I'm convinced
could be my most successful product ever. Given that
this PDF brander is so inexpensive, that's a pretty big

The PDF brander is called Viral Document Toolkit, and
as I mapped out a "product launch formula" or "product
launch strategy," I made a few notes to share with you.

Over the years, I've helped to launch many successful
products, and I've also watched many product launches
fizzle or never even get off the launch-pad.

Here are some of the seldom discuss, or under-emphasized,
factors that you need to consider when mapping out your
own product launch formula.

1) Existing Proven Demand

Of all of the factors that I look for in a new product …
proven, existing demand is the one element that I
consider essential. Having to educate your market as to
why they need a product, or even what it does, is too much
of an uphill battle.

With the Viral Document Toolkit, I had been monitoring
conversations on popular discussion forums for years, and
knew that the market wanted a new PDF brander with the
features Viral Document Toolkit offers.

Just as importantly, I had been searching for a PDF brander
that could do the things that Viral Document Toolkit does.
Since this was a "personal pain" that I had experienced, I
deeply understood exactly what the market was looking for.
When you can offer a product that the market wants AND you
fully understand their needs and wants, then your product
launch can be almost effortless.

When you understand the pains of the marketplace based on
personal experience, you can more easily express those pains
in language that resonates with your ideal customers.

2) Difficult To Duplicate

If a product is too easy to duplicate or reverse engineer,
you'll have copycats under-pricing you before your launch
is in full swing.

You'll expend a lot of energy and resources to make the market
more acutely aware of a "solution to a pressing problem" only
to have someone else tap into the energy you created, and
then dissipate it by under-pricing your product.

With Viral Document Toolkit, I used the difficulty and pain
endured just in creating the software as an indicator that
it would be relatively difficult to reverse engineer. At the
same time, much of the products development was shrouded in
secrecy to give us a bigger "head-start" on the competition
who might eventually figure it out.

3) Sense Of Product Ownership

A product launch requires joint venture partners, and they are
often much easier to recruit if they have a stake in the success
of the product.

One way to accomplish this is to put them IN the product.
Include interviews, audios, videos, or bonuses that were
provided by prospective joint venture partners. For them to
help create a product, and then not promote it, would create
tremendous dis-ease within them on a psychological level.

What would be causing the discord would be inconsistency in
their behavior. They indicated that they believed in the
product enough to help create it, yet they don't believe in
it enough to promote it. Their subconscious minds would
likely resolve this conflict by pushing them to promote the
product... provided it is a quality product.

4) Persistence

This factor is very under-rated in the success of any online
product launch. Your potential joint venture partners are
often victims of information overload and task saturation.
They often tentatively agree to promote your product, but soon
become absorbed in more urgent tasks.

By persistently reminding them of your launch, the fact that
time is running out, and that they did commit to promote it,
you gently nudge joint venture partners towards actually
promoting your product.

In "the product launch formula," persistence often means the
difference between a product that is promoted by "Mr. Big" and
a product that no one promotes.

5) A Well Mapped-Out Plan

You need a well mapped-out plan that identifies all of the
players, tools, tactics and timing. Nothing should be left
to chance.

Conditions beyond your control will appear, and you have to
adjust, but you need to begin with a plan that you assume
will be executed flawlessly!

My friend Jeff Walker has the most thorough planning process
that I've ever seen. He has it in a course called "Product
Launch Formula
." When I first went through Jeff's Product
Launch Formula, I embraced everything that he taught, and
instantly adopted his habit of mind-mapping.

I credit Jeff, and how he used mind-mapping software with
making flowing-out a product launch so easy that once you
start the process, there is no question of what to do next.

Since I spent 17 years flying military cargo aircraft, often
flying to distant airdrop targets with split second timing, I
really appreciate planning what you're going to do, and then
carrying out your plan. When I flew airdrop missions, it was
expected that you would fly 2 - 18 hour flights over
challenging terrain and arrive at a precise set of coordinates
in the air within seconds of when you planned on being there.

I now often map out, and carry out, product launches with that
degree of precision. I encourage you to do the same. I also
encourage you to check out Jeff's Product Launch Formula.
It's temporarily off the market, but he plans on releasing
a version 2 soon!

If you want to monitor the release, and confirm where you can
get the best deal on it, I encourage you to visit:

In any event, incorporate the five seldom discussed product
launch secrets listed above into your projects. Since so
few of your competitors use them, you will have a tremendous
advantage :-)

Willie Crawford is a joint venture broker, and product launch
authority. He specializes in using viral tools to effortlessly
alert the market to hot new products. 11 1/2 years of online
marketing has convinced him of the power of viral PDF's. You
can quickly and easily harness this amazingly effective tool
today at: http://ViralDocumentToolkits.com

Monday, March 10, 2008

Jeff Walker's Product Launch Formula - Do YOU Really Need It?

Jeff Walker's Product Launch Formula - Do YOU Really Need It?
by Willie Crawford

One of the hotter topics in "internet marketing land"
right now is Jeff Walker's soon to be released Product
Launch Formula 2.0
. The buzz is building partly because
a lot of people who fell in love with the first edition
of Product Launch Formula are wondering what is different.

I first got a hint at what is different at Rich Schefren's
seminar in Orlando, February 24th - 26th. Jeff spoke
there, and then I got to talk briefly with Jeff Walker,
and his brother Jon about the product.

Product Launch Formula was released in early 2006, and
a LOT has changed in those 2 years. Many leading internet
sites today were but ideas back then... if that. So one
of the things Jeff does is address what's changed... things
like Web 2.0 which I use A LOT!

Back to the question of do you need it.

Since I'm releasing several of my own products this year,
and do routinely use things that I learned in the first
edition of Product Launch Formula, my answer for whether
or not I need it is YES.

I see it adding hundreds of thousands of dollars to
my bottom-line this year.

I will add that I'm a person who takes massive action.
I read about something, analyze it, and then decide
whether or not to use it, and if I decide to do it,
I use it immediately.

I actually roll that new strategy, tactic or tool into
how I operate day in day out.

If you are someone who really prefers just thinking
about doing a product launch, but prefer the discomfort
of not actually ever doing anything, then this course
is definitely NOT for you.

Another phenomena that I observer is people who “watch”
someone who explains that Jeff Walker coached them
through a product launch, or that they've used Jeff
Walker's Product Launch Formula
in rolling out a
product, and they attempt to figure out what product
launch formula
teaches from a distance.

I don't think that works in most things that you
observe and try to learn online. You miss too many
key elements.

The Product Launch Formula is a lot more than lining up
a bunch of joint venture partners.

It often starts MONTHS before you are aware that
anything is happening.

When I go back and look at some of the biggest
product launches or even my interaction with Jeff,
I see just how deep a product launch goes. I first
met Jeff in 2003. I first met John Reese in 2003.
I first met many of the people who did MAJOR product
launches in 2005 - 2007 YEARS before and they were
learning from each other and teaching each other
things back then.

At Rich Schefren's recent seminar, Frank Kern shared
much of how "The Product Launch Formula" has evolved
over the years. He shared how the techniques and even
what was possible has changed drastically over the
last few years.

I really still haven't answered the question of whether
YOU need the new Product Launch Formula 2.0.

To decide that, you need to read up on the product,
watch the videos that you'll find here:

And then decide.

After you decide, if you decide that the product is
right for you, then you need to decide who to get the
product from. Since the product will be the same no
matter who you get it from, that means that you need
to look at the bonuses.

I honestly believe that the Best Product Launch Formula
is here. It includes a solo mailing to 120,000
a live 2-day seminar, one-on-one live consulting so that
you can make sure that your strategy is right, and the
experience of someone who has helped to launch numerous
big ticket products over the past decade.

Willie - A Product Launch Formula Convert :-)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Best Product Launch Formula Bonuses

What are the best product launch formula bonuses for Jeff
Walker's relaunch of Product Launch Formula, or PLF 2.0
as I like to call it?

I think that this is the best Product Launch Formula Bonus.
Check out Best Product Launch Formula Bonuses

Willie Crawford is offering:

1) A solo mailing to a list of 120,000
2) Entry to a live 2-day seminar in Atlanta, Georgia on
May 17th - 18, 2008
3) 2 1-hour consulting sessions which are idea for you to
strategize about your product launch.

The solo mailings are scheduled on a first-come, first
serve basis, you DON'T delay. Visit Willie's site for
details on THE Best Product Launch Formula Launch

You'll see details there on how to get you name on the
list and actually get scheduled for the solo mailings.
